Have you a date today? Are you prepared for it? The best perfume, nice look, and dress up all things are important but also don’t forget some Ice breaker questions for dating, it’s very important to get to know someone.
Imagine you are on a date and want to ask a question, you can ask any question but be careful a question should be impressive and interesting which can start your best conversation.
Ice Breaker Questions for Dating
This IceBreaker Questions you can ask in Social media (Facebook, Whatsapp, Tinder), or any other dating applications. Pick and choose the best questions that you want to know about someone.
What’s The Best Prank You’ve Ever Played On Someone?
If You Could Have An Endless Supply Of Any Food, What Would You Get?
What is your favorite cuisine?
What’s the last movie you watched at the theater?
What book or movie character are you most like?
What is something unusual you recommend everyone try at least once?
What is your favorite book, movie, and/or tv show?
What is your favorite childhood memory?
What kind of music do you prefer?
What one thing you have done in your life has given you the most satisfaction?
There are chances sometimes your partner don’t have an answer, but it’s okay. You have to take 2-3 Ice breaker questions and ask one by one after a complete discussion on the first one. Don’t stick on the perfect answer, this question helps you get the conversation to start and hold.
Tip: A date does not place where you just ask a question like an interview. Its a place where you want the best conversation, so your question should be conversational and interesting.